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2015-05-30 15:19:10 +00:00
package easyssh
import (
// Request types used in sessions - RFC 4254 6.X
const (
SessionRequest = "session" // RFC 4254 6.1
PTYRequest = "pty-req" // RFC 4254 6.2
X11Request = "x11-req" // RFC 4254 6.3.1
X11ChannelRequest = "x11" // RFC 4254 6.3.2
EnvironmentRequest = "env" // RFC 4254 6.4
ShellRequest = "shell" // RFC 4254 6.5
ExecRequest = "exec" // RFC 4254 6.5
SubsystemRequest = "subsystem" // RFC 4254 6.5
WindowDimensionChangeRequest = "window-change" // RFC 4254 6.7
FlowControlRequest = "xon-off" // RFC 4254 6.8
SignalRequest = "signal" // RFC 4254 6.9
ExitStatusRequest = "exit-status" // RFC 4254 6.10
ExitSignalRequest = "exit-signal" // RFC 4254 6.10
// SessionHandler returns a ChannelHandler that implements standard SSH Sessions for PTY, shell, and exec capabilities
func SessionHandler() ChannelHandler { return ChannelHandlerFunc(SessionChannel) }
// SessionChannel acts as an SSH Session ChannelHandler
func SessionChannel(newChannel ssh.NewChannel, channel ssh.Channel, reqs <-chan *ssh.Request, sshConn ssh.Conn) {
// Get system shell
shell := os.Getenv("SHELL")
c := exec.Command(shell)
f, err := pty.Start(c)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Unable to start shell: %s", shell)
terminalModes := ssh.TerminalModes{}
// TODO: Find out if I should do anything with the terminal modes. Do any of the ptys/ttys know what to do with them
close := func() {
err := c.Wait()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to exit bash (%s)", err)
log.Printf("session closed")
go func(in <-chan *ssh.Request) {
env := []string{}
var command *exec.Cmd
for req := range in {
ok := false
switch req.Type {
case PTYRequest:
ok = true
pty := ptyReq{}
err = ssh.Unmarshal(req.Payload, &pty)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Unable to decode pty request: %s", err.Error())
setWinsize(f.Fd(), pty.Width, pty.Height)
log.Printf("pty-req '%s'", pty.Term)
type termModeStruct struct {
//Key byte
Key uint8
Val uint32
termModes := []termModeStruct{}
working := []byte(pty.TermModes)
for {
if len(working) < 5 {
tm := termModeStruct{}
tm.Key = working[0]
tm.Val = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(working[1:5])
err = ssh.Unmarshal(working, &tm)
if err != nil {
termModes = append(termModes, tm)
terminalModes[tm.Key] = tm.Val
working = working[5:]
go CopyReadWriters(channel, f, close)
case WindowDimensionChangeRequest:
win := windowDimensionReq{}
err = ssh.Unmarshal(req.Payload, &win)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error reading window dimension change request: %s", err.Error())
setWinsize(f.Fd(), win.Width, win.Height)
continue //no response according to RFC 4254 6.7
case ShellRequest: // Shell requests should not have a payload - RFC 4254 6.7
ok = true
go CopyReadWriters(channel, f, close)
case ExecRequest:
ok = true
var cmd execRequest
err = ssh.Unmarshal(req.Payload, &cmd)
if err != nil {
command = exec.Command("sh", "-c", cmd.Command) // Let shell do the parsing
log.Printf("exec starting: %s", cmd.Command)
//c.Env = append(c.Env, env...)
exitStatus := exitStatusReq{}
fd, err := pty.Start(command)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Unable to wrap exec command in pty\n")
execClose := func() {
log.Printf("exec finished: %s", cmd.Command)
defer fd.Close()
go CopyReadWriters(channel, fd, execClose)
err = command.Wait()
command.Stdout = channel
command.Stderr = channel
//command.Stdin = channel // TODO: test how stdin works on exec on openssh server
//err = command.Run()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error running exec : %s", err.Error())
e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError)
errVal := 1
if ok {
status := e.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)
if status.Exited() {
errVal = status.ExitStatus()
exitStatus.ExitStatus = uint32(errVal)
channel.SendRequest(ExitStatusRequest, false, ssh.Marshal(exitStatus))
} else if status.Signaled() { // What is the difference between Siglnal and StopSignal
e := exitSignalReq{}
e.SignalName = status.Signal().String()
e.CoreDumped = status.CoreDump()
// TODO: Figure out other two fields
channel.SendRequest(ExitSignalRequest, false, ssh.Marshal(e))
} else {
channel.SendRequest(ExitStatusRequest, false, ssh.Marshal(exitStatus))
req.Reply(ok, nil)
case EnvironmentRequest:
ok = true
e := envReq{}
err = ssh.Unmarshal(req.Payload, &e)
if err != nil {
env = append(env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", e.Name, e.Value))
case SignalRequest:
ok = true
sig := signalRequest{}
ssh.Unmarshal(req.Payload, &sig)
log.Println("Received Signal: ", sig.Signal)
s := signalsMap[sig.Signal]
if command != nil {
} else {
req.Reply(ok, nil)
var signalsMap = map[ssh.Signal]os.Signal{
ssh.SIGABRT: syscall.SIGABRT,
ssh.SIGALRM: syscall.SIGALRM,
ssh.SIGFPE: syscall.SIGFPE,
ssh.SIGHUP: syscall.SIGHUP,
ssh.SIGILL: syscall.SIGILL,
ssh.SIGINT: syscall.SIGINT,
ssh.SIGKILL: syscall.SIGKILL,
ssh.SIGPIPE: syscall.SIGPIPE,
ssh.SIGQUIT: syscall.SIGQUIT,
ssh.SIGSEGV: syscall.SIGSEGV,
ssh.SIGTERM: syscall.SIGTERM,
ssh.SIGUSR1: syscall.SIGUSR1,
ssh.SIGUSR2: syscall.SIGUSR2,
// CopyReadWriters copies biderectionally - output from a to b, and output of b into a. Calls the close function when unable to copy in either direction
func CopyReadWriters(a, b io.ReadWriter, close func()) {
var once sync.Once
go func() {
io.Copy(a, b)
go func() {
io.Copy(b, a)
// windowDimension represents channel request for window dimension change - RFC 4254 6.7
type windowDimensionReq struct {
Width uint32
Height uint32
WidthPixel uint32
HeightPixel uint32
// ptyReq represents the channel request for a PTY. RFC 4254 6.2
type ptyReq struct {
Term string
Width uint32
Height uint32
WidthPixel uint32
HeightPixel uint32
TermModes string
// envReq represents an "env" channel request - RFC 4254 6.4
type envReq struct {
Name string
Value string
// execRequest represents an "exec" channel request - RFC 4254 6.5
type execRequest struct {
Command string
// signalRequest represents a "signal" session channel request - RFC 4254 6.9
type signalRequest struct {
Signal ssh.Signal
// exitStatusReq represents an exit status for "exec" requests - RFC 4254 6.10
type exitStatusReq struct {
ExitStatus uint32
// exitSignalReq represents an exit signal for "exec" requests - RFC 4254 6.10
type exitSignalReq struct {
SignalName string
CoreDumped bool
ErrorMessage string
LanguageTag string
// winsize stores the Height and Width of a terminal in rows/columns and pixels - for syscall - http://linux.die.net/man/4/tty_ioctl
type winsize struct {
Row uint16
Col uint16
XPixel uint16 // unused
YPixel uint16 // unused
// SetWinsize uses syscall to set pty window size
func setWinsize(fd uintptr, w, h uint32) {
log.Printf("Resize Window to %dx%d", w, h)
ws := &winsize{Col: uint16(w), Row: uint16(h)}
syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_IOCTL, fd, uintptr(syscall.TIOCSWINSZ), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ws)))