package irc import "" // OperAuthMethod is an interface for authenticating server level operators type OperAuthMethod interface { Authenticate(username string, password string, conn *Client) } // OperAuthMethodFunc is a wrapper so regular functions can be an OperAuthMethod type OperAuthMethodFunc func(username string, password string, conn *Client) // Authenticate attempts to authenticate a given user func (o OperAuthMethodFunc) Authenticate(username string, password string, conn *Client) { o(username, password, conn) } // BasicOperAuthMethod can handle simple username password mappings for operator authentication type BasicOperAuthMethod struct { m map[string]string } // NewBasicOperAuthMethod creates and returns a new BasicOperAuthMethod func NewBasicOperAuthMethod() *BasicOperAuthMethod { b := BasicOperAuthMethod{} b.m = map[string]string{} return &b } // Add adds a new username and password for an acceptable operator func (b BasicOperAuthMethod) Add(username, password string) { b.m[username] = password } // Get returns the password if the username was found as a valid operator, if not found, ok will be false func (b BasicOperAuthMethod) Get(username string) (password string, ok bool) { password, ok = b.m[username] return } // Remove removes an operator from being allowed to authenticate func (b BasicOperAuthMethod) Remove(username string) { delete(b.m, username) } // Authenticate locates if an operator of the given username is found, and if so checks if the password matches func (b BasicOperAuthMethod) Authenticate(username string, password string, client *Client) { foundPassword, ok := b.m[username] if !ok || foundPassword != password { m := irc.Message{Prefix: client.Server.Prefix, Command: irc.ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH, Params: []string{client.Nickname}, Trailing: "Password incorrect"} client.Encode(&m) return } client.MakeOper() }